Our Travel Philosophy
Let me think about it.
OK, I've thought about it. Read on............
Travel philosophy! You gotta be kidding. You want to travel; you pack a change of underwear and go. Philosophy! What a lot of hooey! We have often hit the road in the LER, or the GM van back in the old days, not having any exact destination. Maybe if we were going in the heat of summer we would head north seeking cooler weather. Like last summer when we left for Michigan’s Upper Peninsula or Minnesota’s North Woods and found the temperatures hotter than those back home in Indiana. At least as hot as last summer when we, in a fit of total indiscretion, went to Key West. There have been times when we made our final decision as we reached the first traffic light a half mile from our house and took the lane with the shortest line of cars. Of course there have been times when we actually planed to go to a specific place and actually found our way there. And a few times when we had to get somewhere by a certain date and did not take those roads less traveled. But more often than not, we have made our way from the middle of the country to the far edges entirely on the two lane roads, going thru both the small hamlets and the megalopolises in search of traffic jams. Like the winter when we wanted to escape snow and ice by going to Padre Island and read the weather report as we left the house telling of ice storms between home and Texas. That’s how we ended up in Florida, via the two lane roads thru Tennessee and Georgia and a few other states between here and there. It ended up being one of our most enjoyable trips to Florida, even though there was no place to park once we arrived. Would you call that a philosophy? Some would say it’s just poor planning. But we say that it’s the only way to go. If you actually get around to reading our travel journals you will not find the usual visits to the big tourist spots with glowing words about them. Nor will you read about Johnny’s Steak House being the most wonderful place to eat with the friendliest staff. Or the marvelous campground with everything the little rug rats need to keep themselves occupied while mom and dad lounge in the spa. We might mention that we like something; but hopefully it will not read like a commercial. I will guarantee that it will get boring as you read about my gas attack or Lou’s constipation. These journals are pretty much a replay of a daily log we keep and they go on and on about personal things not found in the travel articles in the Good Sam and AAA magazines. You might even find something offensive about us; I know you will because we find offensive things there about each other. I’d even make a little wager that I will find something offensive about you. Especially if you write telling me I shouldn’t say this or that or mention poor grammar and mispelllings, I know they're there, How’s that for a philosophy? The travel “stories” we will post here might be in real time, but I doubt it since we will not gear our trips to finding WiFi spots. They might be a year old; they might be ten years old. Let’s get on with!
There might be more, sometime.